For a one-page PDF, download the resume here. Below is a comprehensive list of all activities, for reference.

Current CV


69 Brown Street, Mail #7414, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912


Brown University, B.Sc. (2016 - Present)

Providence, RI
  • Class of 2020, Computer Science and Cognitive Science Concentrator
  • Current Courses: Web Apps, Computational Linguistics, Computational Cognitive Science, Visualizing Vision, Statistics and Probability
  • Notable Past Courses: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Intro to Computer Systems, Intro to Software Engineering, Intro to Discrete Structures and Probability, Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science

Work Experience

Jam2In (Dec 2017 - Jan 2018)

Software Engineering Intern - Seoul, South Korea
  • Developed a wrapper for Naver's ARCUS Cache Cloud to run under Facebook's RocksDB engine.
  • Designed an API for the ARCUS Cache Cloud to store an retrieve GIS (Geographic Information Service) data.

Tripino (Jun 2017 - Aug 2017)

Software Engineering Intern - Seoul, South Korea
  • Worked as a full-stack developer to build a web platform for the social network.
  • Utilized the MERN stack, using Node.js for the back-end and React for the front-end, while using MongoDB to store data.
  • Learned how to build a web application from the ground-up, how to maintain and refactor the existing server and database, and the work culture of a startup company.

4Plat (July 2015 - Aug 2015)

Student Intern - Seoul, South Korea
  • Analyzed the Korean, Japanese, and English mobile game markets, to understand what each market favors in mobile games, and what aspects and strategies make a mobile game more effective in generating revenue.
  • Formed various action plans for the company, including what to change or add in current games, and which direction to take for upcoming games.
  • Learned the state of the video game industry, and the work culture of a mid-sized company.

Project Experience

EQUiSat Mission Control Web App (2018)

  • A Mission Control web app that monitors the satellite and keep track of its related information.
  • Expected to launch May 2018.

ASL Interpreter (2018)

Hack@Brown 2018 Submission
  • Utilized the LEAP motion tracker to translate ASL to English
  • Uses a simple feed-forward model to map each ASL word to a corresponding English word. Also constructed a node.js front-end that shows the reconstructed hand real-time and serves as a simple interface to use the neural network model.
  • Devpost Link

OlliHelps (2017)

HackPrinceton 2017 Submission
  • OlliHelps is a collection of NFC-based mobile applications that will allow services (restaurants, hospitals, etc.) to read user preferences and act accordingly based on a tap of the phone. This application was intended primarily for Olli, an inclusive vehicle developed by Local Motors and IBM.
  • Responsible for developing both the transmitter and receiver mobile applications, making sure that the NFC works in a way that is as smooth as possible for the user.
  • Devpost Link

Scope (2017)

Hack@Brown 2017 Submission
  • A web application that offer users competitive prices for certain goods by finding alternatives in markets across the world.
  • Devpost Link

Anonymize Me (2016)

Startup Weekend Education Providence 2016 Submission
  • A web solution for anonymous submission grading of both online and offline assignments.
  • Built a prototype and business plan to showcase to the competiton, where it won first place.

Organizations / Extracurriculars

Brown Space Engineering (Sep 2017 - Present)

Ground Software Sub Lead
  • Currently leading an initiative to create a mission control web app, that will monitor the satellite and keep track of its related information when it is launched in May 2018.

Brown RISD Game Developers (Sep 2016 - Present)

Developer / Designer
  • Working with other Brown and RISD students to design and create video games in a short amount of time (in the style of a game jam).
  • Game example

Brown Google IgniteCS (Sep 2017 - Present)

Google IgniteCS Tutor
  • Volunteering in the Brown Google IgniteCS program, teaching basic concepts in computer science to high school kids in Providence, RI.

Swearer Center for Public Service (Jan 2017 - Present)

College Advising Corps Tutor
  • Volunteering (under the Swearer Center College Advising Corps program) to tutor high school kids in Providence, preparing them for the SAT exams.
  • Worked in Blackstone Academy from January 2017 to May 2017, and currently working (since September 2017) in E Cubed Academy.

High School CV


Hong Kong International School (2012-2016)

  • Class of 2016, GPA: 3.95/4.00
  • Significant awards: HiMCM Outstanding, Head of School Award, Student Digital Leadership Team Leadership Award, Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows Gold Award, AP Scholar with Distinction